Telephone: 07725587932
Telephone: 07725587932
Many women find that they spend an inordinate amount of time worrying about their hair, specifically if it is feeling thinner or maybe it is falling out. You are not alone in feeling like this.
Have you ever had to think of an excuse not to attend a social event because of how you feel about your hair?
Not surprisingly, many women rather than embrace the thought of a special occasion, would actually be nervous of attending a family gathering because of the worries about their hair. Swimming is an absolute 'no go'.
Let's talk relationships. Some may fear an intimate relationship because they don’t feel attractive anymore and this is impacting all areas of their lives.
Whilst the solution lies within a salon, a visit to the hair dressers whilst a treat for some, is dreaded by others. Entering the salon feeling anxious because everyone else will have 'amazing hair' and feeling they are looking at yours, sitting in front of a mirror with wet hair which makes your scalp more visible and feeling vulnerable, means some women have avoided the hairdrHannah essers for decades.
Even though they have steered clear of the hairdressers, it doesn't stop them spending hundreds on home remedies such as vitamins, lotions and potions, promising miracle results.
At Hair Story we understand, we care and more importantly...we can help.
We are a Trichology Clinic and Hair Salon in a rural location designed with you in mind. With free onsite parking and easy access from the motorway - we are not on the high street. Once inside, We can cover the mirror if you prefer, close the door and offer a completely personal service in a safe and secure environment.
Once we have established the problem, let us focus on the solution. Let us focus on making you feel like 'you' again. We love the moment when we feel the relief of a woman who has finally found the answer and it is our privilege to be part of that solution.
Jacqueline offers a range of Trichological appointments , treatments, toppers and hair extensions all of which are bespoke and customised for you. Whilst Emma offers every other aspect of hairdressing. She can advise the best style to suit you, help your hair look thicker or if you just fancy a cut and finish in confidence she can do that too! Emma is highly skilled in colouring too and can add colour to your hair to compliment your style without compromising the condition. Hannah is on hand to welcome you, make you a drink and offer a shoulder to cry on should you need it with her deep understanding of the struggle of hair loss.
So, welcome to Hair Story, the place to tell your stories and to find the solutions to the problems that you are facing with regard to hair loss and thinning hair.
Do you have a story to tell? Not only are we here to listen, we are here to help and we look forward to hearing from you soon, the kettle is always on.
Jacqueline, Emma & Hannah
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